Spell Catcher™ Demo v1.5.6 ReadMe Welcome to Spell Catcher, an interactive spell checker for the Macintosh. What you are about to install is a demo version which will expire in 14 days. The full version of Spell Catcher: • Does not expire • Includes a more complete main dictionary • Has a larger thesaurus • Includes medical, legal, engineering/scientific, and HTML dictionaries To order the full version of Spell Catcher, call Casady & Greene Sales at (800) 359-4920 or email: sales@casadyg.com. !!! IMPORTANT !!! The following contains valuable information regarding the installation and use of Spell Catcher, including Notes, Known Incompatibilities, and Fixes/Changes. Before installing Spell Catcher, you must restart your computer with extensions off. In order to turn off all extensions, restart your computer while holding down the shift key until the “Welcome to Macintosh, Extensions Off” message appears. Spell Catcher Personalization The Spell Catcher personalization dialog will appear the first time you restart after completing the Spell Catcher installation. If you do not enter anything at this time, the dialog will disappear after 60 seconds or when you click on “Not Yet.” This dialog will reappear on all subsequent restarts until you have entered a name and valid serial number or until 14 days have passed, at which time the Spell Catcher Demo will expire. Special Note to Virus Protection Software Users: Immediately after you have installed Spell Catcher, your computer will need to be restarted. During this restart, the Spell Catcher control panel must make modifications to itself in order to assure compatibility with your system. This activity may be viewed as suspicious by any virus protection software you have already installed on your system. You may either disable the virus protection software, or see below for instructions for specific software. To disable virus protection software: Either check for a key combination in the program’s control panel or consult the manual for your software. Alternatively, you may use a program such as Conflict Catcher™ or Apple’s Extensions Manager to disable your virus protection software's extension and/or control panel. Booting with the extensions off will disable both virus protection and Spell Catcher, and will not allow Spell Catcher to properly configure itself. After this restart, you can safely re-enable your virus protection software. If You Are Using Symantec Antivirus for the Macintosh: The first time the Spell Catcher control panel loads, you will be prompted twice on whether you want to “Allow, Deny, or Remember” Spell Catcher’s attempted modifications. Select “Allow” both times. You should not experience any further difficulties. If You Are Using Gatekeeper: Prior to installing Spell Catcher, open the Gatekeeper control panel. Click on “Privileges,” then click on “New.” Enter “Spell Catcher” in the text box, and then click on the “Res: Self” checkbox. This will tell Gatekeeper to allow Spell Catcher to modify its own resources. You may now install Spell Catcher without experiencing further difficulties. If You Are Using Virex, McAfee VirusScan, or Disinfectant: You should not experience any problems installing Spell Catcher with Virex, McAfee VirusScan, or Disinfectant installed. If You Are Using Any Other Virus Protection Software: We recommend you disable any other virus protection software for the first time you reboot your computer after the Spell Catcher installation to avoid any difficulties which may be encountered. Spell Catcher™ Notes Suggest Spelling Window: - If the Replace button is not highlighted in the Suggest Spelling dialog, hitting the Return or Enter key will dismiss the dialog. New Interactive Checking & Glossary Expansion Enhancements: - Spell Catcher can now fix doubled capitals. If you type two capitals together followed by a lowercase letter, the second capital you type will be automatically converted to lowercase. There is no override for this function, apart from turning this feature off. - Spell Catcher can also convert two hyphens typed in a row to an em-dash. If you type a hyphen after typing an em-dash, it changes to an en-dash. If you type a hyphen after typing an en-dash, it changes to an em-dash (in other words, hyphens after the second hyphen serve as a toggle). You can override hyphen conversion by holding down Command-Option while typing the second hyphen. - It is now possible to include the time or date expansion as part of a glossary expansion and have Spell Catcher substitute in the time or date before doing the glossary expansion. This makes it possible to append the date in a signature by including a glossary entry like “emgddd” -> “Evan M. Gross ddd”. The only stipulation is that the time/date string inside the glossary entry must be a token on its own, i.e. surrounded by white space or separator. - A new checkbox in the Shorthand Glossary options, "Type separator after expanding," allows glossary entries to be expanded before the separator character is typed. This is especially useful for those users who work extensively with databases and spreadsheets; Spell Catcher will make the glossary expansion before moving on to the next cell or field. If you use this option then it is not possible to type a Shift-Option-T character from the keyboard. Modify Selected Modules: - Modify Selected modules, whose names appear in italics in the Modify Selected menu, can manipulate text but will cause any formatting to be lost. The other Modify Selected modules will maintain formatting as long as Spell Catcher has a compatibility module that allows it to translate the formatting of the text. Capitalize Strictly - This Modify Selected module does the equivalent of Lowercase then Capitalize Words in one pass. Form Paragraphs - This Modify Selected module takes multi-line text on the clipboard and removes the extra return characters to produce complete paragraphs of text. Quote - This Modify Selected module takes the selected text and “quotes” it according to the parameters you specify in the Quote dialog. This is a common thing to do when replying to email, for instance. Incompatibilities and Other Gotchas not in the Manual Reference Sources On Multiple Volumes - If Spell Catcher cannot immediately find your reference sources, it will perform an exhaustive search on all mounted volumes for them, which may take quite a bit of time. If your reference sources are located on a volume that is not currently mounted, Spell Catcher will still perform this search. To avoid an unnecessary search, ensure that all local and remote volumes containing reference sources are mounted. Missing Reference Sources: -If a reference source has been deleted, you can eliminate any error messages by choosing “Preferences” from the Spell Catcher menu and going to the “Reference Sources” section. From there, remove any items in the reference sources list that have a question mark next to them. If you are still experiencing problems, see “Trouble Opening the Spell Catcher™ Preferences file.” Trouble Opening the Spell Catcher™ Preferences file: - When Spell Catcher gives you this message on startup, it probably means the preferences file is damaged. Open your System Folder, then open the Preferences folder. Find the file named Spell Catcher™ Preferences and drag it to the Trash. Restart your Mac and the problem should be fixed. - This solution is also recommended when Spell Catcher cannot find its reference sources and you have already tried to reconfigure Spell Catcher’s reference sources in the settings dialog. In other words, when all else fails, trash Spell Catcher’s preferences file. SimpleText: - You may experience incompatibilities between Spell Catcher and SimpleText, versions 1.3 or earlier. In previous versions of SimpleText, if you chose Spell Catcher’s Suggest Spelling (for a misspelled word) and then entered a number corresponding to a suggestion, you could experience a crash. This problem is fixed in versions of SimpleText after 1.3. NowMenus: - NowMenus can override the menu drawing for Spell Catcher in Claris and Microsoft applications such that you will not see the Command key equivalents for the items in the Spell Catcher menu. The best work-around (since these applications have their own complex menu definitions) is to turn off NowMenus in all Claris and Microsoft applications. Apple Menu Options: - There is an incompatibility between Apple Menu Options and Spell Catcher. If you do not have any text selected and use the Spell Catcher’s “Check Selected” command, your extended folder menus will not function properly until you quit and restart your current application. In order to avoid this problem, you may optionally chose to use a third-party utility to provide extended menus for you, such as BeHierarchic by Fabien OCTAVE. QuickMail: - It is possible that while using Spell Catcher 1.5.6 with QuickMail version 3 that Spell Catcher's Modify Selected menu will not draw properly or will be overwritten by QuickMail's menus. There is currently no resolution to this problem. Flash-It 3.0.2: - If you are using Flash-It 3.0.2 or earlier, executing two of Spell Catcher’s Check Selected modules in a row may cause errors in your menus or other serious problems. These problems are fixed in versions of Flash-It after 3.0.2. For version 3.0.2 or earlier, you may avoid this problem by having Flash-It load after Spell Catcher during your startup process. This may be accomplished by placing a tilde (~) in the front of the name of the control panel (e.g. ~Flash-It), or by using a utility such as Conflict Catcher™ to change the load order of your startup files. Alternatively, you may use another screen capture utility such as Snapz by Andrew Welch. Spell Catcher™ Changes and Fixes Spell Catcher 1.5.6 • Now published by Casady & Greene! • There is now a 14-day expiring demo that can be personalized as a fully functional copy of the program by entering a valid serial number. Any installed version of Spell Catcher will expire if a valid serial number is not entered within 14 days. • The performance problem which occurred between Spell Catcher and the 68K emulator in newer PowerMacs was fixed. This should result in better performance on non-Power Macintoshes as well. • The option to prompt for activation when launching new applications from the Control Panel was removed because it caused crashes with a few applications. You must now add an application in the Control Panel to make Spell Catcher active in that application. • New names for menu items and new graphics for About Screens have been added. • A new Modify Selected module named “Quote” has been added. Its function is to take any selected text and “quote” it for inclusion in an email reply. • Miscellaneous changes and fixes to the typo correction glossary have been made. • The "Suggest Spelling" menu item will now read "Suggest Spelling for “misspelledwordhere”…" if there is a pending misspelling. This is similar to how "Thesaurus Lookup…" works. • Fixed a crash bug that could occur if you selected more than 255 characters in the Thesaurus window and clicked Replace. • The tabs in the text are converted to spaces if you select text in the Thesaurus window that includes tabs and click Replace. This prevents erratic behavior inside field-oriented programs, like databases. • A crash bug in which repeated lookups in the thesaurus dialog could crash if you only used keyboard commands to do them was fixed. • A bug wherein efforts to prevent double spaces would not work in desk accessories if you were typing auto-repeat keys (holding the space key down until it repeated) was fixed. Casady & Greene, Inc. 22734 Portola Drive Salinas, CA 93908-1119 (408) 484-9228 (408) 484-9218 (FAX) Internet email: C&G@casadyg.com Technical Support (408) 484-9228 (408) 484-9218 (FAX) 8:30am-4:30pm PST Monday-Friday Internet email: tech@casadyg.com Sales (800) 359-4920 (800) 359-4264 (FAX) 8am - 5pm PST Monday-Friday Internet email: sales@casadyg.com International Sales (408) 484-9228 (408) 484-9218 (FAX) 8am - 5pm PST Monday-Friday Internet email: sales@casadyg.com Visit our World Wide Web site! Contains all the hottest information, latest software updates, product demos, cool links and much more! http://www.casadyg.com We can also be contacted on the following services: Applelink: D0063 AOL Email: CasadyGree AOL Forum: Keyword: Casady Compuserve Email: 71333,616 Compuserve Forum: GO CASADY